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Vissza a programok felsorolásához
Deadlines: Applications
should be submitted by 15 January 2002 for the first
round of the competition, |
New projects' window within the Soros Foundations Network, linked with Azerbaijan,Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
Applications should be submitted by E-mail, in an attached doc or rtf file to arnold@soros.hu. Applications that are not submitted in the above way and by the deadline will not be considered.
The main goals of this program are:
To bridge different cultures from Central Asia, the Caucasus and Mongolia with cultures of other countries in the network.
To stimulate networking, communication and regional cooperation between Central Asia, the Caucasus countries and Mongolia in culture, arts and related fields.
To help for a better understanding, knowledge and tolerance between the various cultures and religions of this region, something we believe is more important than ever in the current international climate.
The following projects will receive support:
Projects that aim at mutual learning and sharing artistic practices especially linked with the region of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Mongolia.
Projects that stimulate self-critical and self-reflective thinking.
Innovative and/or interdisciplinary models of cultural and artistic actions at bilateral or multilateral level;
Action artistic projects bringing clear practical results via their implementation;
Seminars, conferences, workshops, training and other forms of education, public debates and round tables, artistic activities and programs at bilateral or multilateral level.
To be eligible for support, the projects should involve, in one way or another, one or more of the following countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The following projects will not be eligible for support:
Projects linking ethnic minority groups within one country only. Interethnic relations are not within the scope of this program.
Projects that are limited only to an organization of a festival, or just gathering of professionals within one artistic discipline.
Projects that patronize and stimulate only one-way of exchange.
Projects that have a notion of "colonization" without mutual learning and sharing.
General criteria for selection:
The project's potential to stimulate networking, communication and regional cooperation with (and/or within) the countries from Central Asia, the Caucasus countries and Mongolia in culture, arts and related fields.
Clear and concrete results of the project and possibilities for its long-term continuation;
The project's potential for implementation of innovative cultural practices in the region;
The importance and actuality of the project for the cultural practices in the targeted countries
Evidences for strong and long-term cooperation with partners from targeted countries;
Realistic budget, confirming also matching funds;
Credibility and professionalism of the institution/the team, involved in the realization of the project.
Application procedure:
The amount of money available for each project is up to $15,000. The description of the project proposal should be submitted by filling the necessary application form, which should not exceed 5 pages plus the budget.
All types of cultural and artistic organizations are eligible to apply. The duration of the project should not exceed 6 months and it should be realized by June 2003. Project proposals should be presented in English language.
All applications for the year 2002 should be submitted by E-mail in an attached doc or rtf file to arnold@soros.hu . The applications will be reviewed exclusively in procedure of competition. Proposals sent directly to the Program Director will not be considered. The cultural coordinators of the national Soros foundations are the contact point for information and consultations about the principles, guidelines and deadlines of the A Bridge of Understanding program competition for the year 2002. The list of coordinators' addresses is: http://www.batory.org.pl/art/coordinators.html
Please bear in mind that projects will be supported only under condition that they help for mutual understanding, sharing and learning, introduce innovative ideas, and result in practical outcomes.
After the evaluations of national and international experts, all applications will be reviewed by the Sub-Board of the Arts and Culture Network program for final approval. The results will be announced:For the first round of the competition - 20 March 2002
For the second round of the competition - 30 September 2002