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CONGRESS * Visiting Fellow Program: Application 1999 |
Program code: 450 |
The deadline for applications to arrive is November 6, 1998.
The Network Library Program of the Open Society Institute,
Budapest, Hungary, and the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., invite
librarians and other information specialists in Hungary to apply for the 1999 Library of
Congress - Soros Foundations Visiting Fellows Program, March-June 1999. In 2000 the
program will shift its focus to specific geographic regions. The program seeks persons who
occupy or are likely to occupy positions in which they can influence and promote change
within their institutions and in librarianship throughout their region.
The first three months of the program in the United States are designed to expose participants to the workings of libraries in a democracy and the concept of open access to information. The program is seeking participants who will return to their countries prepared to share their newly acquired information with their colleagues through oral and written presentations. At the Library of Congress the Fellows will receive general orientation to the Library, librarianship in America, the Internet, and management training in a four-week period.
Each Fellow will receive a seven-week work assignment at one of several host institutions in the Washington metropolitan area. These institutions will provide training, work experience, and Internet access. The Fellows will learn firsthand how national, university, public, research, and special libraries in a democratic society operate and serve their constituencies. Written reports and evaluations of these experiences will be expected before the end of the host library internship.
An additional week of training will be held at the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Fellows will spend their final days in Washington at the Library of Congress for program review and conclusion.
Upon returning home the Fellows will continue the program, conduct seminars and workshops with the support of their home institution, local foundation office, and library association. This effort to share new knowledge and promote librarianship at home constitutes the final month of the program.
Funding for the fellowship is provided by the Network Library Program. Application forms for the program are available at the Soros Foundation (1023 Budapest, Bolyai u. 14.), or by post (send a self addressed, stamped envelope to Soros Alapítvány, 1525 Bp., Pf. 34).
The deadline for applications to arrive at the Soros Foundation Hungary is November 6, 1998. Knowledge of English is essential. Soros Foundation will administer the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to determine eligibility.
For further information call Istvan Arnold (315-0303), or E-mail: