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Konferencián való
részvétel DÖNTÉSEK - 1998 |
KÓDSZÁM: 247 |
Pályázati felhívás - Vissza a programok felsorolásához
1998. első félév
Albert Levente | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Andor József | 8th International Conference on Functional Grammar | Hollandia—Amszterdam | 796 |
Bagi Dániel | International Medieval Congress | Nagy-Britannia—Leeds | 400 |
Balázs László | 12th International Conference on Event Related Potentials of the Brain | USA—Boston | 1,200 |
Bódi Ágnes | Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competiton | USA—Washington D.C. | 400 |
Bodoczky Caroline | TESOL 1998 | USA—Seattle | 1,500 |
Csejtei Dezső | 11. Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia | Spanyolország—Salamanca | 250 |
Csizmadia Orsolya | Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competiton | USA—Washington D.C. | 400 |
Csukonyi Csilla | 12th EFPSA Congress | Szlovénia—Ljubljana | 400 |
Deák Ágnes | A kremsieri 1848-49-es birodalmi gyűlés és a parlamentarizmus tradíciói Közép-Európában | Csehország—Kremsier | 200 |
Drimál István | 22nd International Hegel Congress | Hollandia—Ultrecht | 370 |
Dukkon Ágnes | Puskin és turgenyev Nemzetközi Konferencia | Oroszország—Szentpétervár | 600 |
Erős Ferenc | 4th International Conference on Social Representations | Mexikó—Mexico City | 900 |
Farkas Katalin | Mental Phenomena - Dubrovnik | Horvátország—Dubrovnik | 700 |
Fazekas Csaba | East - West Seminar 1998. | Franciaország—Bordeaux | 350 |
Fehér Erzsébet | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Forrai Gábor | 1998 Philosophy Conference | Szlovénia—Bled | 600 |
Földvári Sándor | Healers, Prophets, Clairvoyant Persons in Estonia | Észtország—Tartu | 1,000 |
Frank Róza | International Conference on Networked Lifelong Learning | Nagy-Britannia—Sheffield | 450 |
Gergely György | 11th Biennal International Conference on Infant Studies | USA—Atlanta | 1,474 |
Gulyásné Csikós Ella | 22nd International Hegel Congress | Hollandia—Ultrecht | 300 |
Győri Enikő Bettina | Symposium MER 98 | Szlovénia—Portorozs | 650 |
Kalóczkainé dr. Fóti Klára | 14th World Congress of Sociology | Kanada—Montreal | 1,500 |
Kaposi Dorottya | 27th Congress of the ASPLF | Kanada—Québec | 400 |
Kaptay Ágnes | 32nd International IATEFL Annual Conference | Nagy-Britannia—Manchester | 900 |
Kapusi Gyula | 10th World Family Therapy Congress | Németország—Düsseldorf | 1,005 |
Karácsony Gyöngyi | 6th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries | Hollandia—Utrecht | 800 |
Kárpáthegyi Tamás | Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competiton | USA—Washington D.C. | 400 |
Kassai Ilona | ORAGE '98 | Franciaország—Besancon | 750 |
Kerezsi Klára | 12th International Congress on Criminology | Korea—Szöul | 782 |
Király Gyula | 10th International Dostoevsky Symposium | USA—New York | 1,500 |
Kissné Kocsis Marianna | 10. Élőnyelvi Konferencia | Ausztria—Bécs | 200 |
Kondé Zoltán | 22nd International Hegel Congress | Hollandia—Ultrecht | 370 |
Kosztolányi Péter | 9th World Congress of Psychophysiology | Olaszország—Taormina | 400 |
Kovács Erzsébet | 45th International Atlantic Economic Conference | Olaszország—Róma | 1,000 |
Kovács Zsófia | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Kovalcsik Katalin | European Seminar in Ethnomusicology | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,000 |
Kürtösi Katalin | 6th Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas | Izrael—Haifa | 560 |
Lautner Péter | Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association | USA—Washington | 800 |
Lendvai L. Ferenc | 20th World Congress of Philosophy | USA—Boston | 800 |
Makk Norbert | 22nd International Hegel Congress | Hollandia—Ultrecht | 370 |
Margitay Tihamér | STS Japan International Conference | Japán—Tokió | 1,400 |
Mogyoró András | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Molnár Adrienne | 10th International Oral History Conference | Brazília—Rio de Janeiro | 1,500 |
Németh Attila | 10. Élőnyelvi Konferencia | Ausztria—Bécs | 200 |
Orbán Jolán | 20th World Congress of Philosophy | USA—Boston | 800 |
Orbán Miklós | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Orosz Márta | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Osváth Anikó | 9th World Congress of Psychophysiology | Olaszország—Taormina | 400 |
Pajzs Júlia | EURALEX | Belgium—Liége | 650 |
Papp Sándor | Internationaler Kongress für Türkische Studien 13. CIEPO-Symp. | Ausztria—Bécs | 450 |
Perger Éva | IGU Conference 1998 | Portugália—Lisszabon | 1,000 |
Pethesné Dávid Beáta | 18th Sunbelt International Network Conference | Spanyolország —Sitges-Barcelona | 1,025 |
Póczik Szilveszter | 12th International Congress on Criminology | Korea—Szöul | 782 |
Radó Bálint | International Medieval Congress | Nagy-Britannia—Leeds | 400 |
Ragó Anett | 15th Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics | Olaszország—Róma | 400 |
Ránky Anna | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Sashalmi Endre | International Medieval Congress | Nagy-Britannia—Leeds | 400 |
Stark Tamás | The Culture and Politics of the Diaspora | Ausztrália—Sydney | 800 |
Szabó Gergely | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Szabó Mária Helga | Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series 12 | Csehország—Prága | 400 |
Szeremley Réka | 5th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Szívós Mihály | 22nd International Hegel Congress | Hollandia—Ultrecht | 300 |
Takács Miklós | 64th IFLA General Conference | Hollandia—Amszterdam | 1,350 |
Török László | 9th International Conference of the International Society for Nubian Studies | USA—Boston | 1,350 |
Winkler István | 12th International Conference on Event Related Potentials of the Brain | USA—Boston | 1,200 |
1998. első félév
Acsády László | 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience | Németország—Berlin | 1,000 |
Aleksza László | 12th IFOAM Scientific Conference and General Asembly | Argentína—Mar del Plata | 400 |
Bajalinov Erik | 16th European Conference on Operational Research | Belgium—Brüsszel | 700 |
Balázs Margit | 89th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research | USA—New Orleans | 1,035 |
Báldi András | 22nd International Ornithological Congress | Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság—Durban | 1,103 |
Bálint Péter | Dynamics: Models and Kinetic Methods for... | Hollandia—Leiden | 400 |
Balkay László | 45th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine | Kanada—Toronto | 1,200 |
Barta Zoltán | 7th International Behavioral Ecology Congress | USA—Pacific Grove | 1,000 |
Beregszászi Tímea | 12th International Conference on Organic Synthesis | Olaszország—Velence | 800 |
Berkó András | 14th International Vacuum Congress | Nagy-Britannia—Birmingham | 1,000 |
Bihari Zoltán | 11th International Bat Research Conference | Brazília—Brasília | 800 |
Bodnár Zoltán | International Telecommunications Symposium | Brazília—Sao Paulo | 995 |
Bojáné Harangozó Zsuzsanna | EUROMICRO '98 | Svédország—Vasteras | 800 |
Bóna Lajos | International Conference on Food Security and Crop Science | India—Hisar | 800 |
Burgyán József | 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology | Nagy-Britannia—Edinburgh | 1,000 |
Csákiné dr.Michéli Erika | 1998 ASA Annual Meeting | USA—Baltimore | 1,000 |
Csermely Péter | Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Molecular Chaperones and the Heat Shock Response | USA—Cold Spring Harbor | 1,300 |
Csillag Julianna | 16th World Congress of Soil Science | Franciaország—Montpellier | 600 |
Csörgő Tamás | Probes of Dense Matter in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions | USA—Seattle | 1,000 |
Dávid Árpád | World Congress of Malacology | USA—Washington | 530 |
Dobolyi Árpád | 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience | Németország—Berlin | 635 |
Dobránszki Judit | 9th International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,300 |
Dunkel Zoltán | 32nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly | Japán—Nagoya | 1,000 |
Fehér Attila | 9th International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,000 |
Felinger Attila | 215th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society | USA—Dallas | 1,000 |
Fónagy Adrien | 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists | Hollandia—Nijmegen | 700 |
Földvári Mihály | 4th International Congress of Dipterology | Nagy-Britannia—Oxford | 400 |
Gáspár Attila | 1st International Conference on Trace Element Speciation in Biomedical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences | Németország—München | 670 |
Gáspár Vilmos | 7th International Chemistry Conference in Africa | Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság—Durban | 800 |
Gergely Csilla Gabriella | 8th International Conference on Retinal Proteins | Japán—Awaji Island | 1,500 |
Gombos Zoltán | 13th International Symposium on Plant Lipids | Spanyolország—Sevilla | 1,000 |
Grenerczy Gyula | EGS 23rd General Assembly | Franciaország—Nice | 800 |
Grolmusz Vince | 1998 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science | USA—Palo Alto | 1,200 |
Gulácsi Zsolt | APS 1998 March Meetings | USA—Los Angeles | 1,200 |
Gyurcsik Béla | 33rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry | Olaszország—Firenze | 500 |
Hajnal Ákos | 1998 ACM/SIGSOFT Symposium | USA—Clearwater Beach | 1,000 |
Hollósy Ferenc | 9th International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,460 |
Hopp Béla | CIMTEC '98 | Olaszország—Firenze | 500 |
Horváth Ákos | 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology | USA—Pittsburgh | 400 |
Hudeczné Csík Gabriella | 7th Biennial Congress of the International Pmotodynamic Association | Franciaország—Nantes | 180 |
Huszár Zsolt | 11th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering | Franciaország—Párizs | 900 |
Hutvágner György | 5th International Symposium on the Molecular Biology of the Potato | Németország—Bogensee | 500 |
Iván Béla | 3rd International Symposium on Biorelated Polymers (ACS Meeting) | USA—Boston | 1,200 |
Jakus Judit | BIOS Europe '98 | Svédország—Stockholm | 550 |
Jármai Károly | 8th International Symposium on Tubular Structures | Szingapúr—Szingapúr | 1,200 |
Jelasity Márk | 5th International Conference of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature | Hollandia—Amszterdam | 600 |
Jordán Árpád | ISSSTA '98 | Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság—Sun City | 1,475 |
Katona István | 28th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience | USA—Los Angeles | 1,175 |
Keglevich György | 14th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry | USA—Cincinnati | 800 |
Kelemen Lóránd | 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy | Ausztria—Bécs | 400 |
Kerényi Judit | 32nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly | Japán—Nagoya | 600 |
Kicsi Emese Gabriella | 29th International Narcotics Research Conference | Németország —Garmisch-Partenkirchen | 400 |
Király Zoltán | Silica '98 | Franciaország—Mulhouse | 700 |
Kiss Erzsébet | 33rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry | Olaszország—Firenze | 400 |
Kollár László | 3rd International Symposium on Organometals | Kína—Harbin | 1,350 |
Kónya Zoltán | 12th International Zeolite Conference | USA—Baltimore | 1,000 |
Kóréh Orsolya Enikő | 216th ACS National Meeting | USA—Boston | 1,100 |
Kovács Ágnes | Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines | Ausztria—Graz | 300 |
Kovács Attila | 17th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association | Kanada—Toronto | 400 |
Kovács József Károly | 11th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis | Nagy-Britannia—St. Andrews | 400 |
Kovács Lajos | 9th International Symposium on Water-rock Interaction | Új-Zéland—Taupo | 1,500 |
Kovács Lajos | 13th International Roundtable: Nucleosides, Nucleotides and their Biological Applications | Franciaország—Montpellier | 370 |
Kukovecz Ákos | 24th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy | Cseh Köztársaság—Prága | 522 |
Kunsági-Máté Sándor | Jablonski Centennial Conference on Luminescence and Photophysics | Lengyelország—Torun | 500 |
Lakatos Ferenc | Workshop of Bark Beetle Genetics | USA—Madison | 900 |
Lakatos Krisztina | 15th Biennial ISSBD Meeting | Svájc—Bern | 400 |
Lanszki József | 7th International Otter Colloquium | Cseh Köztársaság—Trebon | 520 |
László Glória | 10th International Congress of Immunology | India—Delhi | 1,000 |
Lenkeyné dr. Biró Gyöngyvér | 12th European Conference on Fracture | Nagy-Britannia—Sheffield | 1,000 |
Less György | 24th European Micropaleontological Colloquium | Spanyolország—Lejona | 1,100 |
Marek Tamás | 29th Ampere - 13th ISMAR | Németország—Berlin | 489 |
Meleg István | 10th European Poultry Conference | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,066 |
Mező Gábor | 4th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology | Franciaország—Nice | 400 |
Molnár Katalin | 1998 AAG Annual Meeting | USA—Boston | 550 |
Nemes Csilla | 216th ACS National Meeting | USA—Boston | 1,100 |
Nguyen Quang Chinh | 6th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys | Japán—Toyohashi | 750 |
Orosz Ferenc | Gordon Research Conference | Nagy-Britannia—Oxford | 770 |
Osvay Károly | 11th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena | Németország —Garmisch-Partenkirchen | 900 |
Pálfi György | 12th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association | Cseh Köztársaság—Prága | 600 |
Pálfy József | 5th International Symposium on the Jurassic System | Kanada—Vancouver | 555 |
Papp Mária | 15th EUCARPIA | Olaszország—Viterbo | 1,000 |
Pócsi István | 6th International Mycological Congress | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,100 |
Pogány Gábor | 5th IUBMB Conference on the Biochemistry of Health and Diseases | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 700 |
Prechl József | 17th International Complement Workshop | Görögország—Rhodosz | 765 |
Revisnyei Marcell | 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference | Cseh Köztársaság—Prága | 400 |
Rónyai Erika | 5th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids | Franciaország—Nice | 400 |
Sármay Gabriella | 1998. FASEB Summer Research Conference | USA—Copper Mountain | 1,000 |
Sass Miklós | 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science | USA—Snowbird | 1,326 |
Schlett Katalin | 12th Biennal Meeting of ISDN | Kanada—Vancouver | 1,100 |
Simonné dr. Sarkadi Lívia | 22nd International Symposium on Chromatography | Olaszország—Róma | 1,070 |
Stipsicz András | Warwick Symposium on Symplectic Geometry | Nagy-Britannia—Warwick | 520 |
Szabados László | ICGEB Course | Bulgária—Várna | 560 |
Szabó Róbert | 1998 Summer Computer Simulation Conference | USA—Reno | 1,000 |
Szász Sándor | 10th European Poultry Conference | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 800 |
Szilágyi N. Andrea | 6th International Symposium on Adenosine and Adenine Nucleotides | Olaszország—Ferrara | 500 |
Szinell Csaba | EGS 23rd General Assembly | Franciaország—Nice | 500 |
Szita Éva | 14th International Arachnological Congress | USA—Chicago | 400 |
Szlávik Zoltán | 12th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry | Németország—Berlin | 500 |
Tátrai István | 27th SIL Congress | Írország—Dublin | 420 |
Tompa Péter | Gordon Research Conference on Synaptic Transmission | USA—Plymouth | 700 |
Torma Andrea | 11th Symposium of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany | Franciaország—Toulouse | 740 |
Tóth Albert | 27th SIL Congress | Írország—Dublin | 1,000 |
Tóth Ferenc | 14th International Congress of Arachnology | USA—Chicago | 900 |
Török Béla | 17th Conference on Catalysis of Organic Reactions | USA—New Orleans | 1,300 |
Ulbert Zsolt | 3rd World Congress on Particle Technology | Nagy-Britannia—Brighton | 800 |
Vágvölgyi Csaba | 6th International Mycological Congress | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,100 |
Várnagy Katalin | 4th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference | Spanyolország—Sevilla | 900 |
Varró Sándor | 7th International Workshop on Laser Physics | Németország—Berlin | 800 |
Veszprémi Károly | International Conference on Electrical Machines | Törökország—Isztambul | 600 |
Vibók Ágnes | European Conference on Dynamics of Molecular Collisions | Nagy-Britannia—Bristol | 800 |
1998. első félév
Ajtai Béla | 28th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience | USA—Los Angeles | 1,500 |
Antal Andrea | 9th World Congress of Psychophysiology | Olaszország—Taormina | 1,000 |
Bálint András | 7th World Congress of International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus | Kanada—Montreal | 900 |
Baltás Eszter | International Investigative Dermatology Congress | Németország—Köln | 650 |
Bánhegyi Gábor | The Roles of Free Radicals in Health and Disease | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,000 |
Bereczki Dániel | 7th European Stroke Conference | Nagy-Britannia—Edinburgh | 950 |
Biró Zsolt | 5th Ophthalmological Congress of SAARC Countries | India—Ahmedabad | 1,500 |
Bodosi Balázs | 14th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society | Spanyolország—Madrid | 960 |
Bokor Hajnalka | 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience | Németország—Berlin | 400 |
Bonyhayné dr. Tóth Mária | 3rd International Congress of Pathophysiology | Finnország—Lahti | 1,018 |
Boros Mihály | 33rd Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research | Olaszország—Pádua | 1,000 |
Braun László | 1st Regional Meeting on Medical Sciences | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,000 |
Czakó László | Annual Meetings of the AGA/AASLD | USA—New Orleans | 1,500 |
Czakó László | 8th Meeting of the International Association of Pancreatology | Japán—Tokyo | 1,500 |
Csányi Attila | 3rd Meeting of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics | Nagy-Britannia—Glasgow | 1,260 |
Cserni Gábor | 22nd International Congress of the IAP | Franciaország—Nizza | 1,500 |
Farkas Árpád | International Investigative Dermatology Congress | Németország—Köln | 650 |
Gábor Fruzsina | 7th Biennal Congress of the International Photodynamic Association | Franciaország—Nantes | 518 |
Gáspár Róbert | 13th International Congress of Pharmacology | Németország—München | 600 |
Geiszt Miklós | Experimental Biology 98 | USA—San Francisco | 820 |
Hunyady Béla | Annual Meetings of the AGA/AASLD | USA—New Orleans | 1,500 |
Hunyady Béla | 11th World Congress of Gastroenterology | Ausztria—Bécs | 1,500 |
Ipacs Lászlóné dr.Sperlágh Beáta | 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience | Németország—Berlin | 730 |
Iván László | 4th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology | Franciaország—Nice | 1,500 |
Kakucs Réka | 3rd International Congress of Pathophysiology | Finnország—Lahti | 960 |
Kis Béla | 4th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology | Japán—Kitakyushu | 1,100 |
Korponay-Szabó Ilma | 11th World Congress of Gastroenterology | Ausztria—Bécs | 1,040 |
Kovács László | 4th European Congress of Endocrinology | Spanyolország—Sevilla | 1,000 |
Kozma Fruzsina | 52nd Annual Fall Conference and Scientific Sessions of the Council of High Blood | USA—Philadelphia | 400 |
Kulka Janina | 1st European Breast Cancer Conference | Olaszország—Firenze | 1,500 |
László Ferenc | Annual Meetings of the AGA/AASLD | USA—New Orleans | 1,500 |
Lázár György | 9th International Symposium on Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid | Új-Zéland—Christchurch | 1,300 |
Lelkes Zoltán | 14th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society | Spanyolország—Madrid | 900 |
Leprán István | 16th World Congress of the International Society for Heart Research | Görögország—Rhodosz | 1,463 |
Lóránt Miklós | 3rd International Congress of Pathophysiology | Finnország—Lahti | 960 |
Losonczy György | 11th World Congress of the International Soc. for the Study of Hypert. in Pregnancy | Japán—Kobe | 1,500 |
Lovász György | 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society | USA—New Orleans | 1,500 |
Márki Árpád | 13th International Congress of Pharmacology | Németország—München | 600 |
Molnár Mária Judit | 9th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases | Ausztrália—Adelaide | 1,500 |
Móré Csaba | 13th Congress of the EAGO | Izrael—Jeruzsálem | 1,400 |
Muskó Zsolt | 2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics Biopharmaceutics Pharmaceutical Technology | Franciaország—Párizs | 400 |
Nagy Bálint | 50th AACC Annual Meeting | USA—Chicago | 1,500 |
Nagy István | Annual Meetings of the AGA/AASLD | USA—New Orleans | 1,500 |
Nánási Péter Pál | 13rd World Congress of Cardiology | Brazília—Rio de Janeiro | 1,500 |
Nógrádi Antal | 4th International Symposium on Spinal Cord Traumatic Injuries | Franciaország—Deanville | 1,500 |
Orosz Krisztina | 4th European Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Olaszország—Milánó | 1,024 |
Pacher Pál | 11th World Congress of the International Soc. for the Study of Hypert. in Pregnancy | Japán—Kobe | 800 |
Papós Miklós | 7th World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology | Németország—Berlin | 1,000 |
Pásti Gabriella | 15th Meeting of European Association for Cancer Research | Svédország—Stockholm | 1,500 |
Pataki Imre | 4th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology | Japán—Kitakyushu | 1,200 |
Perjési Pál | 37th Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology | USA—Seattle | 1,364 |
Reusz György | 11th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association | Nagy-Britannia—London | 1,035 |
Rovó László | 2nd Congress of European Laryngological Society | Olaszország—Róma | 800 |
Solymosi Tamás | 25th European Congress of Cytology | Nagy-Britannia—Oxford | 680 |
Szabady Beáta | 22nd International Symposium on Chromatography | Olaszország—Róma | 960 |
Szabó Attila | 3rd International Congress on Pediatric Transplantation | USA—Boston | 1,000 |
Szabó Gábor | 8th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research | USA—New Orleans | 1,500 |
Szalai Csaba | 3rd Kidney Research Forum | Nagy-Britannia —Manchester | 1,000 |
Szentirmai Oszkár | 1998 AANS Annual Meeting | USA—Philadelphia | 400 |
Than Nándor Gábor | 4th Conference of the International Federation of Placental Associations | Japán—Tokyo | 1,500 |
Tory Kálmán | 11th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association | Nagy-Britannia—London | 400 |
Tóth Miklós | 13th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension | USA—New York | 1,500 |
Törőcsik Beáta | 25th Silver Jubilee FEBS Meeting | Dánia—Koppenhága | 1,000 |
Varga Lilian | International Symposium on Complement in Human Diseases | India—Új-Delhi | 1,500 |
Veréb Ilona | 9th International Congress of Parasitology | Japán—Makuhari | 410 |
Vincze Áron | World Congress of Gastroenterology | Ausztria—Bécs | 1,500 |
Zupkó István | 13th International Congress of Pharmacology | Németország—München | 600 |