15 éves a Magyar Soros Alapítvány Celebrating 15 years of the
Soros Foundation Hungary


For a
Child-Centred Hungary


Veress Péter High School

June 28/29., 1999

Patron of the conference: ÁRPÁD GÖNCZ, President of the Republic

One of the most important elements of the Soros Foundation's four-year Public Education Development Programme was the early-childhood development programme, directed at supporting person- and child-centred educational initiatives covering the period which is decisive in shaping the individual, from birth to the age of 12 years. The Soros Foundation is holding a conference to close the programme.

The purpose of the conference is provide publicity for all initiatives and practices representing true child-centredness. The conference does not intend to confine child-centredness to the nursery or school. It seeks to incorporate areas of social and economic life such as child health, children and the media, children and crime, the child-centred environment, and sport.

Invitees to the conference include representatives of those who received support under the early-childhood development programme, supported model institutions, alternative nurseries and schools, child organisations, experts involved with the issue, educational institutions, higher education, art and the press.

In parallel with the conference and the child programme, the Foundation is holding a teaching methodology exhibition in which the model institutions of the early-childhood development programme present their activities.

Monday, June 28

Opening and welcome

Talk - Child-centredness: theory and practice
Dr. Tamás Vekerdy, Chairman of the Early Childhood Development Programme Committee

Family - nursery - school. Art in education, A different approach to school, A different approach to nursery, Prevention in early childhood


Children and the media, Children and crime, Sport and children, Health in mind and body, Faith and morals, Family upbringing

Tuesday, June 29

Handicraft activities

Talk: Child-centred teaching

Zágon Bertalanné, teacher, member of the Public Education Committee
Section meetings: drawing up targeted recommendations

Presentation of the publication, 'The Soros Foundation's model institutions'

Talk: Equality of opportunity in education

Gábor Horn, Chairman of the Public Education Committee

Conclusion - Dr. Tamás Vekerdy