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Vissza a programok felsorolásához
The Library of Congress
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Soros Foundations Visiting Fellow Program 2001
Deadline was: 30 August, 2000.
The Network Library Program of the Open Society Institute - Budapest, Hungary and the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA invite librarians and other information specialists to apply for the 2001 Library of Congress-Soros Foundations Visiting Fellows Program, spring 2001.
The first two months of the program in the United States are designed to expose participants to the Library of Congress, the program administered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), the cooperating network of libraries serving blind and physically handicapped individuals, and to users of the NLS services. The program is seeking participants who are working in libraries for blind and visually impaired persons or in institutions or organizations where blind or physically handicapped people currently receive service. Participants will be expected to return to their countries prepared to share their newly acquired information with their colleagues through oral and written presentations. At the Library of Congress, the Fellows will receive general orientation to NLS, to selected libraries in the cooperating network of libraries serving blind or physically handicapped individuals, to organizations serving visually and physically handicapped individual, and to other offices in the Library of Congress.
Each Fellow will have a two-week study tour of libraries and agencies serving blind and physically handicapped individuals in Baltimore, Maryland; Priceton, New Jersey; New York City; and Watertown, Massachusetts. They will receive a four-week work assignment at NLS where they will have training, work experience, and Internet access. The Fellows will learn firsthand how public library services to blind or physically handicapped people operate in a democratic society and serve their constituencies. Written reports and evaluations of these experiences will be expected before the end of the host library internship.
An additional week of training will be held at DC area libraries and facilities that mainstream services to blind and physically handicapped individuals. The Fellows will spend their final days in Washington at the Library of Congress for program review and conclusion.
Upon returning home the Fellows will continue the program, conduct seminars and workshops with support of their home institutions, local foundation office, and library association. This effort to share new knowledge and promote librarianship at home constitutes the final month of the program.
Funding for the fellowship is provided by the Network Library Program. Knowledge of English is essential. Local offices will administer the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to determine eligibility.